The safety and well-being of children in the care of Ys across the U.S. is, and always will be, our priority.

Serving the youth in our community is a vital part of our mission, and we are committed to creating a safe environment for the thousands of children and teens we serve every year.

As the nation's largest youth-serving organization, our most important work includes ensuring their safety and well-being — it is foundational to everything we do at the Y to help them learn, grow and thrive.

What we do to protect children:

Screening - We conduct background checks prior to hire for employees and volunteers. Our members and guests are also screened through a Raptor system daily that integrates with The National Sex Offender Registry.

Training - Comprehensive online and in-person child abuse prevention training is mandatory to all YMCA employees and volunteers, and they are required to refresh their training annually. The goal is to educate on inappropriate conduct, while also teaching the warning signs of abuse.

Reporting - Should any allegation arise, the YMCA will proactively work with the authorities and all parties involved to respond in a prompt, thorough and empathetic manner.

Policy - The La Crosse Area Family YMCA maintains a zero tolerance policy toward child abuse and child endangerment, and staff are to report any questionable behavior they see, or violations of their Employee Code of Conduct.


Together, let’s commit to protecting the youth in our YMCA and our communities by practicing the three habits of child abuse protection each day.

Because when we know and understand how abuse happens, see the warning signs, and are prepared to respond quickly to prevent it, we create a culture of child abuse prevention that results in even safer environments for kids to reach their full potential.

For resources and more information on what you can do to keep children safe, visit Five Days of Action.

Report Child Abuse

In our commitment to provide the best in programs, services and supporting our community, the La Crosse Area Family YMCA has provided an anonymous Urgent Concern Form for your use.

Please fill out the form below. Reports can be made 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Reports can be made anonymous.